RELATIONSHIPS ?!!?%#%&^*^%%

What do relationships mean to different people? How different is one relationship from the next or how similar?? For some people, its so important what other people think of them.. to the extent that they live their whole lives trying to impress the world..! Most of the time we don't realize that we really are not answerable to anyone! (Except on judgment day of course;))
But then again, can you live your life without caring about what the world thinks? I mean ultimately, come on, let's be honest, we all wanna be universally loved ;) But then,
of the 100's of people we interact with..
Why is it that some people have such a huge impact on our lives? For no reason at all? And it hurts when you don't have the same impact on them? I think its more of what importance we give the other person that lets them have that impact on us in the first place! So it all then comes to why we give some people so much more importance.And do they really deserve all that extra attention in any way? I've noticed one really interesting thing about people is that we all want everyone else to be just like us!
If we show someone we care in one way we expect them to do so in the same way.
Is it wrong attitude or is it just the way we all are built? To react to things this way?
Also when people in love start a relationship,after some point, they give so much importance to just that one person and they stop caring about what the rest of the world thinks.I don't mean all, but on an average.Like at this point for them, all of a sudden, what that one person thinks is what matters!! Interesting huh??
What is it that makes a person realize that person in a world of zillions is the one person they want to spend the rest of their lives with and how are they so sure they can never love someone more than they love this particular person? Is that where we use the words love and emotions to take over what we don’t have an explanation for?
Yes, these are all just a bunch of questions that I don't believe there are specific answers to!
What I do know, is that relationships are so important, they shape the person you are.The people you interact with, the people you give importance to,even the people you can't stand:) All have an effect on you every minute.
I believe happiness and relationships go hand in hand. Ultimately, its the people you love that have the power to bring in all the happiness:D or take it all away:/
But I'd like to turn this around to say, this means you have the power to bring in happiness to everyone around you!!
Because when you die, it all boils down to who are the people at your funeral? How many of them love u? How many of them are truly going to miss you ? And what you’ve meant to each of them or how you've affected their lives.
There’s a very beautiful thing you notice at funerals. As each person comes to pay their last respects, you see that each one had shared a totally different relationship with that same person and their opinions are though not necessarily different not the same either. Its wonderful to see that the end of one life can have such a huge impact on so many lives!!!
So you see, even though you don't realize it, ultimately you have an impact on everyone you interact with and vice-versa :)


  1. WOW kutz... now i can say im truly proud of u!!!!commendable job.. truly mature indeed. keep writin such stuff. id love to see more of it.

  2. Great stuff, i am happy for you that you think this way and not many people realise this. I can connect with it cos i feel the same too. Write more about facts like these cos these things need to be passed onto the real illiterates:).

  3. I am so blown away, i think i crapped in my pants :). All said and done, I agree. no matter how objectified you want to be these thoughts always have a way of sinking in. good stuff, darling.

  4. life s a lesson....v learn it when v'r through....

  5. hy really wonderful....and extremely TRUE..!!! i read at the right time n moment..!!! :( u will understand y so..!! :)

  6. well that was some impactful thoughts and writing which people really fail to recoganize even if they knew it.... you doing a great job kuttu.... love you for this ;)

  7. ho mar awsm mann.....i thnk u shud bring in alot of these topicz and help us to have a reality check on ourself...:-)appreciated kuttu.......:-)

  8. Hey its just gr8!! And so true, it hurts!! very well done :)

  9. thanks all :)think this post has the maximum comments :)

  10. @2-2

    I don't understand why people preach to give a damn about how many people attend our funeral. Trust me you are not going to have to attend your own funeral, you will never realize.

    What matters is your self respect. Do not sacrifice your self respect for what "others think" . "Others" would never be satisfied, do not chase "being loved by 100 people". Just be yourself and don't give a damn abt what "others have to think"..

  11. really?? u really don give a damn wat other ppl think? and it wouldn make a diff to you who would come to yr funeral? pls :) anyway this article is not bout that.. its bout the impact you can have on people around you.. and that does matter.
    Bout the bein urself think n not lettin other ppl affect it is exactly my point in the first para.. re-read :)

  12. Right.I can see that a lot of thought went into this article. A volume of personal insights also reflect of this article. Commendable job. Keep it going. Although I need to discuss the content with you sometime, because I might differ on a few things here. That is alright though, because each of us are unique just like everyone else. :D


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