Have you noticed that on an average, some of your most interesting conversations are those you have with a person of the opposite sex? I don’t even mean romantic conversations. Even in platonic relationships. Is it because we are so different from each other? I think the excitement lies in the fact that the two genders, although thought to be so different from each other are in fact so alike. And since we have a pre-conceived notion that we are meant to be so un-like; the sudden revelation that we can be so alike excites!! From the little experience I’ve had I think we are all very alike. “Men are from mars, women are from Venus.” We all love to believe this. Maybe it’s true when we decide to be complex creatures craving for attention in a romantic relationship. But in a platonic one where the bar is set much lower (I hope), it’s much easier to just be yourself and less of some strange erratic person because you are: a) In no way trying to impress the person in every way possible and w...