
Showing posts from October, 2011


Perfectly regular day at work today, was in the middle of writing an  urgent proposal when  I heard a car honk and then another.. one after the other persistently and for a flash instant my mind raced to Chennai and back! In this city people hardly honk. I can hear cars from my flat if the balcony is open, but it is nothing but a  constant buzz from the 21st level..the few honks are lost in transition I guess. I wonder what it is we associate with a place or a memory perhaps? For me a city is its noises and smells. Just two simple things.. Of course people always talk about how a place being scenic or filled with memories is the primary association with a city... strangely for me its the sounds and smells [not taking into account people of course because then otherwise its all about who's there and *cough* at times the absence of some that make one smile in relief ;)] If I were to take two cities I've lived in Chennai and Bangalore; and brought in one of my favor...